понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


This undertaking failed at the first attempt and resulted in dissolution of the first live line-up. The band was founded in the year in Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Bavaria. Do we live or do we merely breathe? This article is an orphan , as no other articles link to it. As past meets present, life as we know it has ceased. Inner Reflexions This album ticks all the boxes Bleak, hypnotic, obscure and eerie, this is a harrowing cocktail of anguished, emotive Black Metal despondency. infestus exist

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Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 18, Since then many line-up changes took place.

Infestus - The Reflecting Void

Dark, precise, brutal and thought provoking journey. The synthesis of this concept concludes that catharsis is an illusion. Since Infestus is continued as a solo-project by founding member Andras. Languages Deutsch Edit links.

INFESTUS has been streamlined into a one-man entity and Andras' attack on this new exploration is sharper and more intense than hitherto, a soul-searching voyage that brings the listener to the very cusp of schizophrenia and beyond ; to be forever plagued by the tendrils of un reality.

In Andras tried to recruit session members for live purposes in order to bring Infestus back on stage infetus 7 years of avoidance. Please introduce links to this page eixst related articles ; try the Find link tool for suggestions.

Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 10, go to album. The concept interprets the sensation of inner emptiness as a deceiving reflexion which hides the true reason and is broken open by Andras in order to dare a glimpse on repressed truths.

infestus exist

Initially rooted in Black Metal, the musical expression evolves with Andras continuing Infestus as a solo-project to an inventive composition of different styles using Black Metal as foundation. Bleak, hypnotic, obscure and eerie, this is a harrowing cocktail of anguished, emotive Black Metal despondency.

Andras additionally took over the main part of composing on the split-album with Lost Life published via Fullmoon Funeral Productions. Views Read Edit View history.

infestus exist

Dagon concentrated on vocals and lyrics. This page was last edited on 30 Septemberat Metalfourbe I can't get enough of this album, i have my favorites track, but the whole thing is a pleasure to both my ears and thoughts.

As the personal trauma intensifies, the mind is ceremoniously fragmented, leading to catatonia and infesgus relentless decline into an unresponsive state.

Infestus is a German Metal band founded in Lords of Metal in Dutch. Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 18, go to album.

Infesting minds with stunning songwork. Infestus’ new album "Thrypsis" review, 9/10 — Noizr

Descend Direction Void Or browse results titled:. Then as now, Andras describes the deep emotional connection with his work which he defines as his inner demons that gain access to our reality through his hands. Pure, distilled lamentations accompany the protagonist on a downward spiral to the depths of depravity, where repression and degeneration await. A maelstrom of melancholy communicated through archaic harmonies and tormented vocals. Der Blick hinaus Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 15, Archived from the original on The first concert with new live-members and Andras appearing as vocalist on stage took place in This is good, sad they had a falling out.

infestus exist

An extensive compilation of metal, hardcore, punk, and folk songs benefitting reproductive justice non-profits around the world. Pitiful nothingness remains; life transmuted into shallow non-existence. Purchasable with gift card.

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